Application opens SEPTEMber 1
“My campus staff played a formative role in my faith and prioritization of Christ in my life. She was a confidante and encourager who consistently pursued friendship (really mentorship) with me and always reminded me of God’s faithfulness – the ultimate bright light on a college campus as I became the young adult I am today!” – Katherine B.
A Mission that Matters
Campus Staff uniquely and powerfully reach women on the college campus with the gospel, and equip them to love and serve Jesus for a lifetime. Through thoughtful and strategic ministry, we seek to be a safe and inviting place for students to be known, heard, and loved; where they can investigate and experience Jesus Christ. The heart of our ministry is to care for women on the college campus and help shepherd female interns as they minister to students.
A Place You Are Cared For
RUF is committed to the well-being of each of our campus staff, as she is to her students. We push back on common ministry tendencies of over-working and neglecting one’s own spiritual, mental, physical, relational, and emotional health. The close-knit peer community, shepherding and ongoing training from the Director of Campus Staff, regular check-ins, monthly prayer days, retreats, and regular counseling all foster a culture of care and wholeness.
A Place You Can Grow
The campus staff program offers women an ideal place to develop their gifts through hands-on ministry, leadership and vision opportunities, week-long staff training every July and December, and optional enrollment in seminary or other graduate degree programs. A key benefit of our program, we consider it a responsibility and privilege to take part in developing women professionally and personally for their work now and their lifetime.
Our People
The ministry and mission of Jesus Christ anchors the work of RUF Campus Staff as they are sent to the college campus to gather and shepherd students. Whether working alongside and under the direction of a Campus Minister at a co-ed school, or as the RUF leader at an all-women’s college, Campus Staff work to build diverse groups that bear witness to His grace, on campus and beyond.
Growing relationships is the key work of our Campus Staff. Simply put, Campus Staff seek to reach students for Christ and equip them to serve through relationship. Campus Staff are sent to campus through donor relationships with individuals and churches. They develop relationships with students and staff in the university community and with the local church, and most importantly, they grow in a deepening relationship with Christ through their service with RUF. These relationships are fostered in various ministry settings and avenues, which can vary from campus to campus.
In addition to professional training and development, study, prayer, and fundraising, Campus Staff spend the majority of their time on and around the university campus with both Chrisitan and non-Christian students welcoming, supporting, teaching, training, encouraging, and counseling them through their days and years as students.
The application for Campus Staff opens on September 1st and closes on November 3rd. If your application is received and approved, you will have a Zoom interview with the Campus Staff National Staff. After the interview, you will be invited to attend the RUF Assessment Process in February to be further interviewed.
We’re grateful for and excited about your interest in the Campus Staff program.
Please reach out to Casey Cockrum, Director of the Campus Staff Program (casey.cockrum@ruf.org), or Amanda DeYoung, Assistant Director of Campus Staff (amanda.deyoung@ruf.org), with any questions.