
John 1:5 tells us, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Jesus is that true light. By sharing the Gospel on campus, we reach students with His bright hope and push back the darkness we see around us.
The college campus is a unique snapshot of the world’s need for the Gospel. People who are involved in campus ministry during their college years are more than three times more likely to stay in church after college.
RUF is positioned to meet this extraordinary opportunity by launching the Bright Hope for Tomorrow campaign.
Our goal is to reach hundreds of thousands of students with a message of hope by planting new ministries recruiting future RUF staff, and strengthening our current ministries.

By God’s grace, thousands of students hear the truths of Scripture each week.
We don’t replace the Church; we encourage students to join the local Church for a lifetime of loving Jesus.
students meeting weekly

“As an incoming freshman, I could never have imagined how gracious God would be in providing RUF. Large Group has become a crucial reminder for me that although I might want college to be about measuring up or using successes to prove my own worth, in reality, the world revolves around Jesus Christ and the truth that both I and my fellow believers are never beyond the need or reach of His grace. What a gift it is to be reoriented back to this truth on a weekly basis!”

Equipping leaders starts by sending leaders to campus.
Ordained Campus Ministers, Campus Staff, and Interns model servant leadership, knowing that RUF ministries are at their best when they become ministries to students through students.
7,974 students from 143 campuses participated in more than 110 regional conferences, trips, and retreats

total students from 130 ministries attended Summer Conference

in scholarships given to more than 1,700 students so they could attend SuCo
Your Support of Ruf impacts countless lives.
Thank you for partnering with us to reach students for Christ, our Bright Hope for Tomorrow.

“Before coming to college, I was not a believer and was truly living for the world. As I began to pursue my faith, I found myself isolated and without a community. After joining RUF my junior year, not only did I feel a great sense of belonging, but I was in a community where I was lovingly held accountable and my questions were embraced. Because of RUF, I now understand John 13:34-35 in a deeper way: ‘just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.’ Learning in community has equipped me to go out into the world and love others in the pursuit of Christ.”