Emma Pearson is the RUF Intern at Texas A&M University
Now that we are almost through the summer, I have taken some time to reflect on what SUCO was like for me as an intern. I had the pleasure of getting to stay for two weeks, the first with my students, and the second with my intern friends (coined friendterns). SUCO is, first and foremost, a time for us to know the LORD more fully and secondly, fellowship with one another in a capacity we are unable to back in our college towns. For me, this looked a lot different than I expected. I think, in a way, I expected to do some groundbreaking work with my girls. I wanted to be the best intern ever who could solve all their problems, all under the guise of a sunny day on the beach. This would surely bring them closer to the LORD and one another, right?
But instead of this, I found my students sitting together at mealtimes, exhausted but still engaged. I laughed with them while floating in the ocean, heartily discussing what color mermaid tails we would have. It was playing games together, singing together in Martha’s Kitchen, celebrating our first ever Aggie RUF victory in cornhole, and saying goodbye to our seniors.
What I found was, it actually wasn’t about me at all. Nor about my abilities or wanting to engage, but it was about the LORD. He crafted these beautiful little moments that I got to share with my students. He invited me to enter into these spaces, giving me the freedom to not have to change or fix anything, but to just enjoy it. God gave me the gift of a glimpse of heaven.
The second week I found deeper fellowship in a way that my heart often longs for. With my intern friends there is an understanding of one another’s job and stage of life that I have a hard time explaining to those outside of my position. That isn’t to say our jobs are incomprehensible or untouchable, but there is a mutual bond that we share because of the stage of life we are in. I am so thankful for these friends. Getting to be with them for a week and performing random and often last-minute jobs together was tiring and yet fulfilling. Their willingness to be flexible and keep morale high was good for my soul. I feel like I have much to learn from them.
Ministry, in my very limited experience, has been altogether more beautiful and fulfilling than I could have expected. I won’t paint the picture that ministry is always perfect or easy, because it isn’t. There are hard conversations, difficult situations, and learning to die to yourself daily. But wow do weeks like this show me what it’s all about. We worship a God who loves joy! He delights to see his children laughing together, dancing on the beach, and singing songs in Martha’s kitchen. I often forget what a gift it is to serve a God who enjoys us, who delights in us. And I am thankful for SUCO to remind me of these truths. All glory be to Christ.