University of Georgia RUF International
Join us every Thursday for Dinner and Discussion from 7 - 9 PM at the Thompson home

Jeff, Caroline, George, and Caroline Thompson are the campus ministry family serving with RUF-International (RUFI) at the University of Georgia (UGA) since 2001. We exist to spread the glory and enjoyment of God among all the 110 nations on our campus. God has been kind to bless and to provide for our ministry to help fulfill the promise that all the nations will be blessed by Jesus Christ. (Genesis 18:18)
Many nations are here that are closed or difficult places for American Christians to go. RUF-International is the church welcoming the nations. We partner with our local PCA churches to bring the gospel to our children and ... all who are far off ... all whom the Lord our God will call. (Acts 2:39) Yet, 80% of international students are never invited to an American home, much less a Christian home.
For Christ’s glory among the nations, we have equipped multitudes of Christians and have partnered with 5 area PCA churches - to build friendships within the international community by on and off-campus ministries that fulfill these three goals: 1. Welcome Scholars from all Nations: God's Sovereignty and Biblical Hospitality 2. Encourage international scholars to explore the way of Jesus Christ. 3. Equipping Christian internationals to be servant-leaders for God’s kingdom. May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. (Psalm 67:1-2)
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Jeff Thompson
Jeff Thompson has been a campus minister with RUF International at the University of Georgia since 2001. Prior to his campus ministry at UGA, Jeff served with Mission to the World in Japan for almost five years. Jeff is a 1991 graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. Jeff and Caroline were married in 1999 and have two children, George ('02) and Caroline ('05).