Montana State University

Welcome to RUF at Montana State! We are an on-campus ministry at MSU with students from all over Montana and the US who are seeking to know, love, and serve Jesus together in community. But RUF is not just for Christians: we hope that every MSU student would find RUF to be a good place to explore faith and ask hard questions. We have an ordained campus minister who works full-time with our students and student leaders. We would love to connect with you and answer any questions you might have about Jesus, student life, and whatever else may be on your may be on your mind.
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Freshmen Bible Study
RUF Bible Study
RUF Lunch
Meet Our Team

Cody Janicek
Cody Janicek will be the RUF campus minister at Montana State. Originally from Austin, TX, he attended Texas A&M University, where he met his wife, Katy, through RUF. Following graduation in 2009, Cody attended Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC while Katy did the RUF internship at Johnson & Wales University. Cody received his M.Div in 2013 and was called to start RUF-Global in Prague, Czech Republic. He and his family were there for seven years ministering to students at four different universities.
Cody and Katy have 3 children and they enjoy camping, hiking, having people over for a good meal and conversation, and college football (Gig ‘em, Aggies).

Cadey (Campbell) Floyd
Cadey is from Batesville, Indiana, and graduated from NC State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, in May 2024. She graduated with dual degrees in English Literature and Religious Studies. Cadey loved being an active part of RUF at NC State and learned so much about herself and Christ during her time there.
Cadey cannot wait to meet and hang out with students at Montana State University! She also can't wait to spend a ton of time outdoors, get coffee with students, and learn how to ski. She also has a passion for ceramics, and will be keeping up that hobby in Bozeman.