Kent State University

Welcome to RUF at Kent State University! We are a Christian ministry on campus at KSU with students from all over Ohio and the US who are seeking to know, love, and serve Jesus together in community. But RUF is not just for Christians: we hope that every Kent State student would find RUF to be a welcoming place to explore faith, ask hard questions, and develop deep friendships. We have an ordained campus minister who works full-time with our students and student leaders. We would love to connect with you and answer any questions you might have about the Bible, Jesus, student life, and whatever else may be on your mind.

Join Us

Small Group

Mondays @ 11am
in the Hub

Small Group

Tuesdays @ 7pm
in the Hub


Wednesdays @ 12pm
in Eastway

Small Group

Thursdays @ 3pm
in the Hub

Join us for Church

Sundays @ 11am


Meet Our Team

Cordy Phillips

Cordy Phillips


Having grown up a part of an Army family, Cordy has lived all over the U.S. She graduated from Columbus State University in Georgia with a BA in English Literature. Raised in the reformed faith, RUF came to her college in the fall of her Senior year. She immediately jumped into a leadership role and began to see how impactful the ministry is on college campuses and in the lives of students. She is a fan of all things coffee, reading, baking, hiking, travel, music, and making new friends. She is excited to meet the students of Kent State and share life with them as she brings the gospel with her.