Harvard Undergraduate Christian Fellowship

Join us every Tuesday at 7:30PM in Sever Hall

Welcome to Harvard Undergraduate Christian Fellowship! We are a community attempting to give a well-developed, heart-felt witness to the power of Jesus Christ. We are here… For Christ! We welcome everyone who wants to learn about Jesus Christ. We believe that Christianity is about trusting that God has made it right in Christ. … For each other! We seek to build up other Christians and invite people into the unique and loving community of God’s people. … For Harvard! We see Harvard not as a problem to be solved but an opportunity to serve – not a place from which to escape but a place for which we care. Join us for Bible study or weekly campus worship!

Join Us

Large Group

Tuesdays at 7:30PM
In Sever Hall


Meet Our Team

Michael Whitham

Michael Whitham

Campus Minister

Michael Whitham was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma. While in college, Michael was involved with RUF and spent his summers in camp ministry. He met his wife Anna while studying at OU. Anna enjoys taking care of their daughters Eleanor (2014) and Frances (2017). Michael graduated with his Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC, in May 2013. Michael loves spending time with students at Harvard.

Lucy Chapman

Lucy Chapman


Lucy was raised in Montgomery, Alabama. She graduated from Wake Forest University in 2023, majoring in studio art with minors in art history and journalism. She loves a good podcast or documentary, going to concerts, and making art. She also enjoys getting to know new people and hearing their stories. Lucy loved her time in RUF at Wake Forest, and is excited to serve at Harvard!

Enjeh Liu

Enjeh Liu


Enjeh grew up in Temecula, California and graduated from Washington University in St. Louis where he studied International Studies and Finance. As a first year student, Enjeh stumbled into RUF not having a clue what it was, but was met with the love of Christ and beauty of the Gospel week by week. When he is not injured, Enjeh loves playing sports, going on runs, and spending time exploring the city. He also enjoys playing music, goofing off with friends, and looking for the best food spots in town. Though he is sad to leave RUF at Washu and St. Louis (the greatest city in the world), he is excited to build relationships and pursue Jesus together with the students and community at Harvard in Boston!