Belhaven University
Our weekly Large Group Bible study meets on Tuesday nights during the semester at 9 PM in Billy Kim 200.

Welcome to BURUF! If you are looking into attending Belhaven or want more information about RUF please don't hesitate to reach out! A little more about us: Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) is the campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and is found on over 170 campuses across the nation. Though we exist on campus through the PCA, you will find students from a wide variety of backgrounds in our ministry because we welcome students from any and all walks of life. Our desire is to be a place up close to students lives on campus where students from all over campus, and all types of backgrounds, can come together to wrestle with: who Jesus is, who we are, and what God is calling us to, in hopes that we might love Jesus for a lifetime. We'd love to have you join us!
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Meet Our Team

Bentley Crawford
Bentley has been married to his wife, Sarah Love, since 2007. They have four children that they love very much: Lila Grace, Annie, Luke, and Camp. Bentley is originally from Meridian, MS, and Sarah Love from Jackson, MS. Both of them graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2006 and 2007 where they both met and each came to understand the gospel in a saving way due in large part to the influence of campus ministries they attended and the Christian friends they knew. This ignited a passion in them for ministry to college students which led them to work with CRU for three years - one year at Ole Miss and then two years abroad in Salerno, Italy. From there, Bentley went on to work for three years as a pastoral intern at Palm Vista Community Church in Miami, FL before returning back to Jackson in 2014 to attend Reformed Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 2017 with his Master of Divinity Degree. During that time he served as an intern first for the Christian Medical and Dental Association and then at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. In 2018, he started working for RUF at Belhaven and has loved his time there ever since! Through these experiences, the Lord has built in Bentley a passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ, a desire to minister God's powerful word, a love for people, and a heart for the local Church. As a result, he and Sarah Love couldn't be happier to be serving with RUF and they sincerely believe that RUF at Belhaven is an incredibly important work!

Olivia Bedenbaugh
Olivia grew up in a small town outside of Augusta, Georgia. She graduated from Winthrop University with a degree in Social Studies Education. Though she grew up knowing Jesus, the Lord used RUF at Winthrop to help her learn more about His grace and helped her realize her life-long purpose to glorify and enjoy the Lord. In her free time, Olivia can be found either thrifting, working towards her Goodreads goal, or enjoying Taylor Swift’s discography. She is so excited to walk alongside the students of Belhaven and see how the Lord works in their lives!

Kaylee Epps
Kaylee and her husband Bobby are both Ole Miss grads who met shortly after college. Kaylee served as Intern and eventually Campus Staff at Ole Miss from 2019-2023 and then moved to Jackson where she serves as Campus Staff at Belhaven University. Bobby is the youth director at Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church and they have a two year old son, Wilson.

Johnathan Smith
Johnathan was born and raised outside of Austin, Texas and attended Texas Tech University where he graduated in 2019 receiving his bachelor's in Human Development and Family Studies. During his time at Tech the Lord provided a gospel-centered and driven community in RUF that he desperately needed. While there he began to recognize a calling to the ministry and though it has taken some time to get here he is beyond excited to partake in fellowship with the students of Belhaven University and show them the faithfulness of an amazing Messiah! In his spare time, Johnathan enjoys spending time (sometimes too much time) with friends, watching sports, and pretty much anything that involves a group.

Leslie Howe
Leslie was born and raised in Tupelo, Mississippi. She attended Northeast Mississippi Community College and transferred to Belhaven University, where she received a degree in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science and a minor in Psychology. She grew up attending church in Tupelo and getting involved with RUF in college is something she looked forward to. RUF at Belhaven provided her an incredible community of friends and allowed her to grow in her faith much more than she expected. She is excited to be an intern at WKU and to help and be a friend to others like her intern was for her. Leslie loves coffee, running, listening to music and reading, but mostly coffee.