This Q&A is part of a series of interviews featuring RUF Alumni. Today’s post features Landon Vick, a Tennessee Tech graduate currently working in the financial planning industry.
Let’s start off with who are you and what do you do?
My name is Landon Vick. I’m married to Kandice, and we’ve been blessed with Malcolm, John, Eva, Henry, Noxolo, and James. My work is helping people retire through my financial planning practice.
What college did you graduate from?
Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee
Who was your campus minister when you attended RUF?
Kevin Teasley was my campus minister my Freshman through Junior year. Scott Phillips was my campus minister my Senior year through graduate school.
What is your favorite memory from RUF?
The single, strongest memory that runs through my time in RUF is the teaching of God’s grace through Jesus Christ for undeserving folks like me. This reality changed me as a student, changes me now, and will continue to change me until I am glorified in heaven. I could list so many things like the barn dances, conferences, large groups, small groups, even meeting my wife at Winter Conference, but none of them have impacted me as powerfully as the faithful teaching of God’s grace toward sinners.
How has RUF impacted how you approach your career?
RUF gave me a real sense of freedom in pursuing my career that I lacked early on in college. I felt a great deal of pressure to find the perfect career and was troubled with the thought of some callings being higher or more honorable than others. RUF leveled the thinking that some careers are more pleasing to God and showed me that all work when done well is pleasing to God and a blessing to our neighbors. There have been plenty of difficult decisions for me over career choices, but I know that whether I’m preaching a sermon, creating a financial plan, waiting a table, or laying a water line God is glorified. Colossians 3:23 – Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.
What would you say to an incoming freshman?
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. – Ferris Bueller
I’m always amazed at how quickly our lives are lived out. College is a unique time of life. Make the most of it, invest in relationships that build you up in the Lord, and apply the Gospel to every area of your life.