This Q&A is part of a series of interviews featuring RUF Alumni. Today’s post features Katherine Knuth, an artist specializing in lively land and seascape acrylic paintings.
Let’s start off with who are you and what do you do?
I’m Katherine (Miller) Knuth, and I’m an artist. I create colorful acrylic paintings on canvas and wood.
What college did you graduate from?
Wake Forest University – Go Deacs! I majored in Studio Art and minored in Art History and Entrepreneurship.
Who was your campus minister when you attended RUF?
Kevin Teasley…God used Kevin’s teaching at large group and freshman Bible study to reveal to me that I was more sinful than I knew and more loved by my Creator than I could ever imagine.
What is your favorite memory from RUF?
In undergrad, I have great memories from a RUF small group Bible study I was in. We met in my friend Louisa’s dorm room, ate ridiculous amounts of Nutella, prayed for each other, and studied the Bible together.
How has RUF impacted how you approach your career?
At RUF in college, I learned that I had an identity greater than my grades, greater than my major, greater than my future career, greater than any earthly accomplishment. It was an identity I couldn’t earn no matter how hard I worked or big I smiled. I discovered I was a daughter of the Most High King! There was an eternal inheritance for me with Him beyond anything I could dream of. A perfect life had already been lived for me by Christ Jesus. That knowledge freed me to pursue and enjoy my passions without depending on those interests to fulfill or define (or save!) me, with a grace that freed me from paralyzing perfectionism.
In regards to a career, I am now freed to pursue risky and vulnerable ventures (art and entrepreneurship) since my standards of identity and success are redefined. On a daily basis I am reminded that my identity is unshakable, no matter who likes or doesn’t like my art. I falter in my understanding of these truths, but I am so thankful that their true-ness doesn’t depend on my grasp of them. I also have to say that the RUF internship developed me spiritually in ways I can’t write or speak about without tears in my eyes, as well as provided me with great practical skills for my career. Most notably, the RUF internship developed my initiative and adaptability and teachability.
As an intern, I developed my own work schedule and pursued relationships with students which required resourcefulness and initiative. Each day looked a little bit different, so I had to learn to thrive in various situations and become adaptable. I learned the ins and outs of life in ministry from my campus minister(s) and was continually humbled by the Lord, which made me more teachable. All of these skills have served me invaluably as an artist and entrepreneur. I daresay without these skills, I wouldn’t have this career at all!
What would you say to an incoming freshman?
Being a believer doesn’t make you look more put together! I used to think I was only being a good witness to the Gospel if I was smiling and happy. What a twisted truth! Real life is honest and it sometimes looks like a mess – a beautiful one – and that’s okay because you’re loved by the only One who matters.