50 Voices for 50 Years | Will Huss | National Coordinator
Join us as we reflect on God’s faithfulness to RUF over the past 50 years and look forward to the next 50 with our “50 Voices for 50 Years” series. Watch the interview with Will Huss to learn more about his RUF story, becoming the National Coordinator, and the growth that is happening in RUF today.
Growing up in South Carolina and then attending Clemson University to study architecture, Will Huss’s path was soon changed forever when two sophomores asked him to attend RUF. Set on a path which led to Huss becoming a successful and passionate business owner, the Lord drew him to work with RUF where he became the National Coordinator in 2019. Since then, Huss has helped to guide and direct RUF to new growth and exciting possibilities for the years ahead!