50 for 50 | Matia W. | RUF Student | Class of 2023
Join us as we reflect on God’s faithfulness to RUF over the past 50 years and look forward to the next 50 with our “50 Voices for 50 Years” series. Watch Matia W.’s interview to learn more about her story with RUF and where she might be without it.
Every step of the way — being adopted at the age of five, kicked out of her home years later, brought in by a pastor’s family, and then finding a place at RUF — Matia has seen God working for her good and the good of others. And Matia knows the Lord is not done yet. As she says, “we are here to glorify God and grow closer to God […] and we have this amazing opportunity within RUF to help each other do that.” We hope you are encouraged by watching Matia’s interview, learning about her story, and seeing the way God has used RUF in her life.