Unmoored from Church and community, many young people suffer in social isolation:

Each one is an opportunity for transformation through the Gospel. These are the students that we are reaching. Lord willing, they will be part of the Church for the rest of their lives and all eternity.

Amidst the crisis of faith happening on college campuses today, the Church has the Good News and a responsibility to respond. Reformed University Fellowship is answering that call with the Bright Hope for Tomorrow campaign.

Bright hope for tomorrow

As we reflect on our first 50 years of ministry, we are also preparing for the next 50 years by launching the Bright Hope for Tomorrow campaign. This campaign is three-fold:

  • Reach and engage students,
  • Develop and equip leaders
  • Strengthen the Church of tomorrow.

The success of this ambitious effort will enable us to plant new ministries, recruit future RUF staff, and strengthen our current ministries in order to reach hundreds of thousands of students for Christ.

